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    To lead quads, you must be titular of a licence B (car) or A (motor bike) valid.

    If you do not have any as of the these licences, you can however be momentary, because all our quads is approved two places for the road.

    They moreover are been driven by engines 4 times, low noise and little pollutants.
    For any hiring of quad, a guarantee of 300 euros will be required of you by cheque.


    The Charter of good control of Quadeur.                                                                                             10 gold rules.

    Because behavior of each one depends directly
    future of the excursions in quad, here a small summary
    synthetic of the 10 rules to be observed scrupulously when
    one randonne. 

    Regulate N 1
    The approved and ensured quad.
    Regulate N 2
    Practice:in the compliance with the rules published by
    manufacturers, port of the helmet, clothing adapted and equipped for the road ciculation. Regulate N 3
    Behavior of the quador:absolute respect of the highway code
    extended to the footpaths;priority with pedestrian, with
    riders and with the cyclos (to stop the engine with the approach of the riders).
    Regulate N 4
    Nature:to respect natural spaces, the private properties
    and cultures.
    Not to clean the tires on the roadway at the exit of the muddy ways.
    To roll on accôtement the right.
    Regulate N 5
    You take part in an excursion with a guide.
    No competitive spirit and test speed will be tolerated.
    Regulate N 6
    To show courtesy near the residents met, to slow down
    in the villages and to keep a distance from regular security.
    Regulate N 7
    To follow the guide always well, no practice of except track will be tolerated.
    Regulate N 8
    The good relationships to the whole of the hikers must remain
    the permanent concern of each one.
    Regulate N 9
    No alcohol with the handlebar.
    Regulate N 10
    Nonthe respect of this charter by any hiker and after two calls to order will entrainera its systematic exclusion, without any compensation.


    Charter and Conditions
    © 2007 David.B
    Referencement gratuit Ce site est proposé sur plus de 500 moteurs et annuaires partenaire de Création blogs Annuaire du batiment Astrologie
    quadlib, l'annuaire du quad